ساخت، تولید و هرگونه بهره‌برداری از فرستنده‌های رادیویی منوط به اخذ مجوز از سازمان تنظیم مقررات و ارتباطات رادیویی می‌باشد

One-day Ham Radio Activity July 2016

The EP2C club will be active on 16 July (Saturday) in Karaj’s heights (Karaj is a city 30Km north-west of Tehran)
The primary motivations for this activity are:
1- Spreading the word about ham radio activity (in Iran)
2- Emergency preparation and training for beginners (antenna set-up and tuning, DX calls , building antennas, etc)
3- Contacting as much DX stations as we can

It will start from 5:00 in local time and end finish at 21:00 (00:30 – 16:30 UTC)
Active bands: 10, 15 and 20 meters

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